Hi all,

I am getting a strange problem with DDR connection from a 801 to 803.

Both routers are running IOS Ver. 12.1. If 801 orginates the call 803
answers the call and the call gets disconnected in less than aminute and

in the meantime I cannot ping from 801 to 803 or the otherway.
If 803 orginates the 801 answers without any problem and I can ping
from 801 to 803 with 100% success. But when I ping from 803 to 801
the max success rate I get is 60% and normal is 40%. (I tried pinging
the remote BRI interface, Ethernet Interface and PC in Remote network
all with same result).

I want to configure these routers to do tranperant bridging and tried
bridging configuration also. With bridging config, If I keep the
of 803 low, 801 learns 803 as root bridge and learns the MAC
address of PC's on the network connected to Ethernet port of 803
but 803 doesn't learn any address for 801 network. Also if I reduce the
priority of 801, 803 doesn't learns that and both routers claim to be
root bridges. Also there is no data traffic between them.

I can't figure out the reson for this if anybody have any idea I will
be glad to hear it.


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