Well people, I did not pass.  I failed my first test.

I got 603 with 615 to pass.  I knew lack of experience would be a big
deciding factor in my score.  I can only say, what
I knew, I knew real well and the other things, I guessed at.

Very very very hard test.  Much harder than the 507 and the 504 in my
opinion.  But, I am going to try and test again in
a couple of weeks.  Most of what was on it was networking essentials with 98
and 95 and 2k admin thrown in with a
few bios questions to round it off.  The network admin stuff is what really
threw me.

One more point here.  If I had passed with 615, I would have quit studying
in this area for awhile, but this way when I
pass I will do better than 615.  This test had very unfamiliar areas on it.  

so my score is now....passed two, failed one....oh well....

I am going have a few drinks, take a nap and start studying again!!

Have a great day!!

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