Hey all:

I have this strange situation where I cannot telnet into my router.  This is
what happens.

I am successfully running NAT (with overload), with no problem.  I can
telnet into the interface that is the inside NAT with no problem.  I can
also telnet into any non-NAT interface with no problem.  The problem occurs
when I try to telnet into the interface that is the designated outside NAT
interface.  For example, when I fire up telnet from Windows and telnet to
that outside NAT interface, it just shows that it is trying to connect, but
it never connects.

Now, I can assure you that connectivity is fine.  I can ping that interface.
People from the inside can get to the outside, with no problem.  So it's not
a routing issue, I am sure.

I have monitored what happens when I try to telnet, as I have an
access-class on the vty line that allows anything in (permit ip any any),
but is set for logging.  So I notice that telnet packets are indeed being
permitted by the access-list, meaning the telnet request is hitting the
router successfully.  On the console, I even get a message saying that the
access-list is allowing a telnet packet in.  So everything seems cool.  But
somehow the router doesn't want to acknowledge the telnet request.

Does anybody know what is up with that?

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