thanks Elvis, I was wondering why the price of model rockets has quadrupled
over the last two years. It must be because everyone is migrating from 10 to
100 Mbps, hence the shortage of balsa wood.
But you know all engineers have a special affinity for balsa so we will pay

----- Original Message -----
From: "Elvis Costello" 
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 11:36 PM
Subject: re: improve lan speed ? [7:15225]

> [demime could not interpret encoding binary - treating as plain text]
> This is tricky but try the following:
> Go to your local store and buy some super glue.
> Apply a generous amount of superglue to NIC A and affix it to NIC B.
> This (1/2)+(1/2) methodology will yield one full duplex combo card (please
> do not get greedy and try this with more than two NICs as your KITTY 5
> may begin to melt).
> But wait, there's more --
> The 10 to 100 transition is even easier, just look on the side of your NIC
> for the "Spoiler" upgrade slot.  While I am far too addle-minded to
> understand the complex aerodynamic issues involved, I have been told by my
> good friend H. Simpson that the spoiler upgrade allows the card to
> data at a far faster rate without subjecting your server to the risk of
> becoming unstable and possibly flipping over right in the middle of your
> datacenter.  This is what the old people used to call an "abend" (and it
> most frightening for all but the most grizzled NOC vets).  Using some of
> glue leftover from step 1, obtain and apply a Spoiler (preferably made out
> of balsa wood) to the new and improved nic combo card and then place it
> in the machine.
> You will soon be well on your way to packet nirvana.
> ..................
> how to change from half duplex to full duplex,
> and how to change NIC from 10 to 100
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