Hi Guys,

I'd like to share with you an experience I had yesterday: I had a 1720
router which had been turned off during an IOS update, so there was nothing
in it's flash memory (or an incomplete IOS image). As result it entered in
Rom Monitor when it was powered up again. There should have been be no
problem, all I should have to do was to erase the flash again and copy
another image to the flash memory from the rommon. But, although I could see
the output when the router was booting and the rommon prompt when it was
done, I was not able to type anything to it. I thought I had a problem with
the serial port of my computer, the HyperTerminal software or the console
cable, but I switched everything and nothing changed. I was up to consider
that I had lost the router when I decided to disconnect the LAN cable from
it's fast Ethernet port before trying again and, voila: It worked! I don't
know why, but the LAN cable connected to the Fast Ethernet port of the
router was preventing it from accepting any input from the console while in

So, if you ever encounter a problem on typing anything on the rommon prompt
of a router, try to disconnect the LAN cable cause it may be the source  of
your problem!



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