Hello mehrzee,

Wednesday, September 12, 2001, 12:33:10 PM, you wrote:

mvn> Reeta Sinha 
mvn> 'It's not the US they want to destroy. It's our arrogance'

mvn> During winters when I was little, the boys on my block played a game
mvn> King of the Hill. After storms, snowplows clearing the streets would
mvn> behind huge hills of dense, packed snow hills 15 to 20 feet high. The
mvn> was simple. The one who reached the top of the hill and kept everyone
mvn> off it was the King of the Hill. Boys would scramble up the hill,
mvn> and pushing each other, sometimes sending a playmate tumbling to the
mvn> It was a rough game and usually it was the bully who made it to the
top. The
mvn> biggest, loudest, meanest kid on the block became the King of the Hill.
mvn> others -- smaller and weaker -- tumbled down quickly or were thrown off
mvn> the King, if they got close to the top of the hill.

mvn> Standing a safe distance away, I would watch the boys who were knocked
mvn> the hill over and over again. They never looked defeated. With their
mvn> set, they would get up from the ground, brush the snow off their clothes
mvn> and, after grabbing handfuls of snow, climb up the hill again,
determined to
mvn> topple the King. What they lacked in bulk and height, they made up for
mvn> creativity (icy snow shoved inside a shirt pretty much paralyzes any
mvn> Inevitably, the bully's arrogance was his downfall. Confident that he,
mvn> King, was the biggest, the strongest, the best and so certain that the
mvn> others were puny and dumb, the bully usually didn't see the boy
sneaking up
mvn> behind him. The one who, with one shove, sent the former King sliding
mvn> headfirst down the hill.

mvn> The smaller boys didn't really care who was the King of the Hill. That
mvn> kingdom would be gone come spring. It was the bully's attitude, his
mvn> assumption that he deserved to be King that made the boys so determined.
mvn> Without treaties or negotiation, they would band together and attack the
mvn> King, just to see him take a fall.

mvn> Bullies, kings, dictators, meanies don't seem to get it, do they? The
mvn> they push, the more they shove, the more they flex their muscles, the
mvn> determined it makes those they ridicule and bully.

mvn> The world has seen this human drama played out time and time again
mvn> throughout history, sometimes by individuals, sometimes with entire
mvn> with uprisings. In fact and fiction, those who are pushed frequently
and far
mvn> enough, always push back.

mvn> It happened again on September 11, 2001. When terrorists crashed
mvn> planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon building in the US,
mvn> someone, some group of people, was pushing back. The message seems
mvn> clear: the wealthy, powerful king had to be knocked off the hill.

mvn> Perhaps this is not the time to criticize a country that has suffered
mvn> great loss of life. But, as I have listened to news reports and watched
mvn> horrific images for the past several hours, the most recent showing a
mvn> plane aiming directly for the World Trade Center, crashing through a
mvn> as onlookers scream, I can't help but wonder. What would drive some
mvn> to take such extreme measures? Why would anyone go to these lengths to
mvn> the United States?

mvn> I can come up with only one answer. It's not us they hate. It's not the
mvn> they want to destroy. It's our arrogance.

mvn> 'America under attack.' That's how the media is describing it. Unaware
mvn> the morning's events, I listened to cryptic voicemail messages about my
mvn> office in Chicago being shut down due to the 'crisis' and my father
mvn> me to call. I had left my California hotel room for a conference session
mvn> without listening to the news hours earlier. Confused by the messages, I
mvn> turned on the television immediately. The caption on my muted television
mvn> screen alarmed me. Were we being invaded? Had the government been

mvn> But it isn't the US these terrorists want. They don't want our land, our
mvn> buildings, our wealth, our leaders or our people. I think they are just
mvn> and tired of being pushed around. As I write this, I don't know who
mvn> are. It doesn't matter whether these terrorists came from outside the
US or
mvn> from within. As we saw with the Oklahoma bombing a few years ago, there
mvn> many inside the US who feel pushed around, who feel they are not
mvn> when US leaders tell the world, 'we are the best, we are the smartest,
mvn> are the most powerful, we are No.1.'

mvn> The US likes to rub it in whenever it can, whether it is true or not. It
mvn> boasts of being the greatest democracy in the world, the leader of all
mvn> people and if that were not enough, it seems to think it can dictate to
mvn> world what is morally right and wrong.

mvn> This attitude came through even as news of the terrorist attacks broke.
mvn> President Bush declared that our freedom, our democracy had been

mvn> As people jumped out of the World Trade Center, as passengers were
mvn> through steel and concrete, do you think freedom and democracy were on
mvn> minds? Do you think the terrorists were envious or even cared about the
mvn> obsession with these values? Only a country, or more accurately, the
mvn> of a country, so focused with its own greatness would think so.

mvn> Yet, in a matter of minutes, a series of almost perfectly choreographed
mvn> events destroyed two of the tallest buildings in the world in one city
mvn> critically damaged one of the most impenetrable structures in another.
mvn> York's World Trade Center crumbled -- the target was a symbol of US
mvn> in Washington, DC, the Pentagon, the military nerve center of the US was
mvn> directly hit.

mvn> While the bully was thumping his chest, claiming victory, the smaller
mvn> crept up behind him and knocked him off his feet.

mvn> The question is being asked repeatedly by media analysts: how did the US
mvn> miss such a sophisticated attack? In my opinion, the answer is simple.
mvn> US arrogantly underestimated its perceived and known enemies.

mvn> How many times has the US been the target of terrorism in the past 30
mvn> alone? The US media harps on the worst, the first, the most violent,
but the
mvn> fact is that the US has experienced terrorism for decades. US airlines
mvn> been hijacked many times, scores of US army personnel have been killed
mvn> bombings and US embassies around the world have been hit more than
once, US
mvn> citizens have been taken hostage for months at a time. Within the US, a
mvn> federal building has been bombed, killing hundreds and and the World
mvn> Center was a terrorist target less than 10 years ago. How could the US
mvn> believe that the World Trade Center was not still vulnerable? That any
mvn> person or structure associated with the US could not some day be a

mvn> Other countries in the world would learn from such incidents, such real
mvn> threats, and they have. But, it seems the US hasn't. Why not?

mvn> Because we're No 1. They are scum, they are evil, they're cowards, and
mvn> are stupid. How could 'they' ever get us? White extremists or Arab
mvn> terrorists, we're better, we're smarter, we're ready. We have stealth
mvn> bombers and space-age missile defense systems, we can land on the moon
mvn> go to Mars. We're rich, we're invincible. We're America.

mvn> The reality is we're so full of it and now, thousands of innocent people
mvn> have paid the price for the arrogance of some in the US.

mvn> It doesn't take much to realize just how well organized and clever these
mvn> terrorists were. While the US and its allies talk of arsenals filled
mvn> expensive high-tech weapons to combat biological warfare and fight star
mvn> wars, a group of people using nothing more than knives and combined
mvn> power brought the US to a halt. Consider the following:

mvn> Four commercial planes with huge quantities of fuel simultaneously
mvn> from four metro US airports

mvn> Four sets of hijackers who knew how to pilot the jets (unlike many
mvn> hijackings in the world)

mvn> Two strategically critical targets selected

mvn> Two successful strikes to the World Trade Center towers where the
mvn> were structurally most vulnerable

mvn> No US media outlets affected, ensuring maximum visibility to these

mvn> To this point, no evidence available to determine who is responsible,
mvn> leaving the US powerless to retaliate
mvn> These terrorists have made a mockery of the CIA (Central Intelligence
mvn> Agency) who seems to have no clue that an attack of such magnitude was
mvn> possible, let alone imminent. They have put the FAA (Federal Aviation
mvn> Authority) to shame, as its radar screens showed four flights veering
mvn> off-course and, apparently, with no indication the planes had been
mvn> Airport security has been deemed lax for years, yet there have been no
mvn> noticeable improvements. The terrorists have left US leaders virtually
mvn> powerless -- they can only repeat the now almost meaningless words
mvn> US greatness, strength and its resolve to hold other countries
mvn> never once recognizing its own weaknesses and faults.

mvn> President Bush briefly addressed the nation, after being whisked away to
mvn> safety earlier in the day, while the rest of the nation, strangely,
mvn> vulnerable. In his speech, the world heard the same arrogance as the
mvn> President said the US was chosen as a target because "we're the
mvn> beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world." World leaders,
mvn> those from the western, predominantly white hemisphere, have joined in
mvn> equally superior rhetoric. The British Prime Minister said the acts were
mvn> "perpetrated by fanatics who are utterly indifferent to the sanctity of
mvn> life." Israel's Sharon felt the US' pain and said the country was in
mvn> mourning with the US.

mvn> The theme is clear and already you know whom these leaders blame for the
mvn> attacks. The disdain for 'them' is so evident. The world is slowly
mvn> itself, us against 'them.' Not against terrorists or acts of terror, in
mvn> general, but for a particular group of terrorists, a specific kind of
mvn> terrorism. Slavery and colonialism -- and their legacies, it seems,
were not
mvn> attacks on freedom and democracy; political assassinations do not
mvn> terrorism -- these barely warrant acknowledgement even, as the world has
mvn> recently seen.

mvn> Is it possible that it is this very attitude that so drives some to
mvn> the US down? The idea that one group of people is allowed to declare
mvn> another does not count, that another group of people does not deserve
to be
mvn> considered human? When will the US learn it has to co-exist with all the
mvn> peoples of the world, not just those who serve the US' interests? Hate
mvn> begets hate. Labeling people of this world as evil produces evil. The
US and
mvn> others have experienced this many times, yet they continue in the same

mvn> There's no mistaking that terrorism is a threat, as it always has been.
mvn> There is also no disputing that those responsible for such acts in any
mvn> shape or form must be held accountable. To be sure, prosecute those who
mvn> responsible, but do not turn the process into a media circus, as was the
mvn> case with the execution of Timothy McVeigh convicted for the Oklahoma
mvn> bombing. Do not use the process to humiliate a people, as the US sought
mvn> do when it prosecuted those who bombed the World Trade Center before.
mvn> Grandstanding, seeking to teach Osama bin Laden and his followers a
mvn> the US government did nothing more than reaffirm its role as an arrogant
mvn> world bully.

mvn> As calls for retaliation (against whom?) grow, as news analyses continue
mvn> into the early hours of the morning after, I doubt it matters -- all
mvn> talk of US superiority and freedom. Imagine for a moment you are
sitting in
mvn> those planes, facing certain death, or in an office in the Pentagon or
mvn> World Trade Center, unaware just how close death is. Terrorism is about
mvn> people. Perhaps one day the world's leader will realize this.
Nice rhetoric and I still don't get your point, but it's not sounding
like the way I feel about this tradgedy - please keep this crap off
this list.

Best regards,
 Perry                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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