If I were to take a wild guess, I would say that your 2524 does not have a
quad zero default pointing to the PIX inside address.

your routing is screwy to begin with. a lot of folks don't like to do it
this way, but I would point the default route of all inside devices to the
2524, and have the quad zero default on the 2524 pointing to the inside of
the PIX. your router ethernet interface receives all packets, then forwards
them accordingly.

idle curiosity - why not use your 2610 as your inside router, and the 2524
as the internet router? you can full duplex the 2610 Ethernet and improve
performance, especially under this scenario of using the router interface as
the default gateway.

in general, a good design might be:


the way you have things now, you are expecting the PIX to route, and it is
not a router. your inside PCs try to get to your WAN, and their default
gateway is the PIX, which cannot route.

hope this makes sense.


-----Original Message-----
Paul Holloway
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 2:10 PM
Subject: connectivity issue [7:21600]

Guys (and gals), I was wondering if anyone had ran into this problem. I have
a private, pt-pt network terminating on my side with a 2524 running 11.1.
This is connected into a 2900 switch. My ISP comes in on a 2610 through a
PIX running 6.1.(Whose inside IP is the gateway for all PCs) It is also
hitting the 2900. My machines behind the firewall can get to the internet
and also ping the 2524 Ethernet interface on my side, but that is as far as
they will go. I have put a static route into the PIX pointing any traffic
for the network (the far side of the pt-pt) directed to the inside
IP of the 2524. from the PIX, I can ping the 2524, and any address on the
far network. But the PCs cannot go past the Ethernet of the 2524. They can
ping the inside interface of the 2524, but not even the WAN interface of
this router. I have also added a static for the Network of the WAN link, a
/30. I don't understand how the PIX can ping through the 2524 to the remote
network and the PCs cannot, when all the routes are in the PIX to direct
these packets to the correct destination(2524). Could it have to do with the
fact the times I'm getting on those pings( around 600ms) are above the TTL
on the PCs or could I be missing something else?  This is probably going to
turn out to be a stupid question, and I will regret sending it. Be gentle


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