1st thing I would do is a Tracert from a Windows box, or Traceroute from a
Unix box on the "2nd" subnet to the target server/host and see where the
buck stops.  This will tell you if it is a Routing issue, which is what I
would first think of... but none-the-less, traceroute is your number one
test tool for walking up the troubleshooting chain.

Once you've verified cross-subnet communications (which will be proving both
physical and logical connections, the end result will define your next step
on how to rectify the problem.  You might even have a simple Subnet Mask

For looking at bad juju on the CAT5K, do a  to reset all the
counters for all ports, and then within a 5 to 10 minute period, do a  from
the CLI and look for high levels of packet errors.

Hope this helps.

Mark Odette II
StellarConnection Services

-----Original Message-----
Brown, M
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 4:48 PM
Subject: One subnet presents bad performance. How can I see troubleshoot

In one particular subnet, this morning users got timed out trying to ftp to
a certain server or Telnet to that server.
If I perform the operation from another subnet, that's work fine and no time
out or delays occur.

I used Netmon to analyze the telnet process both on the subnet "1" - the
subnet that is working  and subnet "2", which has presented problems.

I couldn't see any new protocol or broadcast that could cause the delay on
the network.
What's the command to see statistics or look for errors in the Catalyst 5000
series switch ?
How would be the steps to troublshoot this ?

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