Well, you asked for a step by step link to setup a VPN on a Pix 
520.  My normal route is that, I use www.cisco.com, and look at the Pix 
documentation.  How else does anyone else do anything?  Read the 
manual.  This goes for anything, even non-Cisco stuff.

technical documents
2nd column now, 3rd row, Cisco Pix
select OS version
read docs, including the nice handy link that says "site to site vpn" among 
other things.

Anyway, after taking a 30 seconds to figure that one out, here is the link.

I strongly suggest you get used to their web site.  It is daunting at first 
but is very powerful.  Definitely worth learning in the long run.

         Or, you can do it the "easy" way.

type in the search box
pix vpn
I see a lot of pertinent hits.

Advantage of the first technique, practice for the lab's documentation 
cd.  Advantage of the second hit, it's just out right easier, but I doubt 
there is a search engine and all of the other white papers that cisco has 
available.  Use it as a crutch, and you will be forever handicappped.

         Now, you may think Brad is being "cruel", however, I think he is 
doing you a favor.  I probably did you a disservice here.  If you cannot 
figure out how to navigate the cisco web site, taking the CCIE Lab is just 
a few orders of magnitude harder.  Why?  You cannot use the documentation 
effectively at all if you cannot navigate cisco's technical documents web 
page.  Therefore you must memorize a lot more and practice a heck of a lot 
more on silly details.  I know people go on about "never use the docs, you 
will fail.  you will run out of time"  Hog wash.  If it takes me 5 seconds 
to look up something on the docs, that is less info for me to memorize.  I 
guess your mileage may vary.  I know the "use aliases, or you will fail" is 
hog wash for me in particular.  I type fast and the commands are 
logical.  So, if you feel learning their web page is a hopeless endeavor, 
so why bother and just memorize and work it out the hard way, go 
ahead.  Everyone has a different way of tackling a problem.
         If you were just looking for some quick simple answers, the thing 
is, the best we can do is lead you to the general area.  I have no idea on 
what kind of VPN you want to setup, what peers you want to use, versions of 
code, etc.  So please, do a bit more work so we can get a more specific 
question, so then we can assist you better.  Otherwise, you can get a 
refund for this service.

         Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving!

At 06:19 PM 11/21/01 -0500, Inamul wrote:
>Idiot...I and everyone knows cisco.com but the reason
>people ask here dumb question is they want to save some time by asking
>someone who already gone thru
>that process and spent time reasearchin that topic..
>""Brad Ellis""  wrote in message
> > www.cisco.com
> >
> > has that information.
> >
> > thanks,
> > -Brad Ellis
> > CCIE#5796 (R&S / Security)
> > Network Learning Inc
> >
> > ""Inamul""  wrote in message
> > > Does anyone have step by step link to setup VPN on PIX 520
> > > running code 5.2 ?
> > > thanks
> > >
> > > Inamul
-Carroll Kong

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