
        I am a Cisco Instructor and have been toying with the idea of
running very low-cost classes that would be affordable for those not
sponsored by a corporation or rich enough to pay $2000 or more per class.
I was considering about maybe $200 to cover costs and equipment. (If
someone could not afford even that we could work something out...)

        While I got my CCSI at Mentor (formerly Chesapeake) and recently
have been doing contract training at places like Sprint and Verizon, I can
still remember trying to get started, to get training, and to get that
proverbial "foot in the door". I'd like to use some of my "off" weeks when
I'm not doing corporate training to help other people get their Cisco
certifications and a good start in this career.

        Classes would be held at my house, which is located just south of
Washington, DC. in beautiful Fort Washington, Maryland.

        Please let me know if you think that such classes would be useful
and of interest.

        Yours Truly - Bruce Evry


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