Hi All...

I have been put into a project where someone else pitched a solution to
implement a redundant connection over a dedicated private line (56K) and a
VPN internet connection (frac T1).  the hardware are 2 cisco 2611 routers
with the 2 ethernet interfaces, 2 watchguard firebox 1000's, and some
equipment for the private frame (already has CSU and RJ45 cable to hook up
directly to ethernet interface on router).  The internet connection is a
fractional T1 on each side and as stated before 2 watchguard firewalls.

The sides would be addressed like 172.16.x.x/16 and 172.17.x.x/16 and they
were given this solution by someone who has since bailed on them after
getting the equipment.....

What I am looking for is what is the easiest way to implement a solution
that would allow the VPN connection to be the preferred route, but also
allow the private frame to pick-up if they internet connection should become
latent or go down.  It could grind along slowly, but would function.

I was just curious if anyone has gotten this type of solution to work with a
watchguard in the middle?  I was thinking of using something easy like
EIGRP, but am a little miffed by how exactly to make this work across the
VPN and the Frame at once....

    -----|xxxxx|--- private frame (56K)------------------
    |                                                   |
       (switch)                                       (swtich)   
172.16.x.x/16                                       172.17.x.x/16

Just tried to show the 2 interfaces and the initial configuration of how the
person before had it setup.

What does anyone see as the best way to make this work reliably?


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