Off topic VPN comment. My employer is FINALLY moving to VPN access to our
company network. This instead of that crappy ISDN RAS telco solution they've
been running for years.  I'm so lucky to have been chosen as one of the beta
testers. Probably because I've been complaining so loud for so long.

In any case, our laptops are Window NT 4.0 and W2K. the client is the Cisco
secure client, and because we are a Cisco partner, I presume that we are
connecting via one of another of the Cisco VPN products. One can hope it is
a CVPN3xxx box, but with my employer, you never can tell ;->

In any case, the scripted installation worked like a charm and I am happy as
a clam doing company work via a much faster connection. In my job I often
have to move some very large Excel and Visio files from here to there. Not
to mention the kinds of things I have to download from vendor sites for
study and meeting preparation.

So yes VPN stuff can work, can be easy ( recognizing the front end
preparation that obviously took place ) and so far, the Cisco client has
been flawless to work with.  Knock on my wooden head :->

I know there are a lot of people from my company who read this list. All I
can say is I hope you keep the pressure up on your managers. this is so much


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