I had the extreme good fortune of sitting in a meeting today with a
customer. The project has moved out of the sales phase ( a year in the
making ) and into the project phase. In attendance were the customer's top
IT networking staff and my employer's project team.

This ended up being a four hour meeting, completely dominated by Customer IT
Director and my employer's Mr. CCIE

One of the high points? the customer had sent Mr. CCIE an L3 switch
configuration the previous day. Mr. CCIE was to offer comment on the design.
Mr. CCIE said "from what I see here, I'll bet you have a routing loop. I'll
bet that if you do a traceroute from that switch to this particular network
it will go nowhere." The customer said "you're on", telnetted into the
switch, performed the trace, and sure enough, the * * * * * * appeared after
three hops. You shoulda seen this guy's face!

this was but a small part of a fascinating dialogue between the customer and

Oh, it did not hurt that Mr. CCIE had fifteen years technology experience,
and ten years in networking.

Anyway, back to the books. I'm jazzed about learning the dirty little BS
things again!


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