That's the way to go!


"Scott H." wrote:

> Thanks for the support guys.  If nothing else, it has must made me mad and
> more determined.  As soon as I can get some sleep, I'm going to double up
> study efforts from before.  At this point, just passing is not going to
> satisfy me--anything less than a 95 is unacceptable.  I want to beat it
> worse than it beat me.
> This was my first shot.  I was convinced before hand that I was ready and I
> really think I was.  I think that maybe I was seduced a little by the aura
> of it and I let it get the best of me.  After experiencing it, the
> fascination is gone.  Now it is sheer determination.
> Richard--remember it's just an exam.  Forget about everything else.  You
> succeed if you know your stuff and keep your head straight.  Best of luck.
> ""Richard Botham""  wrote in message
> > Scott,
> > Really bad luck.
> >
> > But hey thanks for the encouragement - I have my lab in 3 weeks so that
> > really makes me feel comfortable - not.
> >
> > I understand what you say about people reading a post similar to yours
> > thinking - this guy wasn't prepared. I am sure that is just pure
> > on their part - I don't doubt you for a minute and will confirm this in 2
> > weeks
> >
> > Was this your 1st shot?
> >
> > I am sure you will win hands down in round 2.
> >
> > All the very best
> >
> > Richard
Ishrat Nadeem Zahid
Cisco Systems,Inc.
Chelmsford, MA 01824

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