The mail server have 2 ips one for 65.169.240.  and the second 169.158.32.

This is de configuration havae in my server:.

In this moment my gateway is, because the other (commented
with #) is down, so i have to do tha manually and restart the network
I thanks to you i study how to do it with HSRP. And study how this changes
affects my mail server.

So when 169.158.32.  is down. I have to to manually the change of gateways
""Chris Charlebois""  wrote in message
> Depends alot on what kind of connection you want.  If you are just talking
> about outbound access from your site, that isn't a problem.  Setup the two
> routers on the same subnet and use HSRP.  Best practive would be to set up
> two HSRP address; each router will be primarary for one address and backup
> for the other.  That way you can direct traffic over a specific connection
> when it's all up, but traffic will failover to one connection if the other
> goes down.
> If, on the other hand, you want to maintain public services during an
> (ie, web pages, FTP sites, incoming e-mail), that is a gorilla of a
> completly different color.  If you're site is big enough, you could
> a /19 public address, which can be routed via BGP.  That would solve alot
> you're problems, but it's unlikely that you'd be asking the question if
> had a /19.  Some protocols will allow you to specifiy a backup via DNS
> thinking SMTP), but that only helps with mail.  Otherwise, you're options
> are co-locateing the equipment you always want available, or switching
> your WAN connections to the same ISP.  THere is no really easy solution.

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