At 08:06 PM 2/26/02, Rafay wrote:
>How do you describe Sample Rate.?

In what context? The term is sometimes used when describing the analog to 
digital process, for example when digitizing voice. Voice produces an 
analog wave as your lungs and tongue press against the air. An analog wave 
has infinite possible values. Computers can't deal with infinity. They work 
with discreet numbers. The solution is to sample the analog voice many 
times per second. Sampling means to take a snapshot.

The sample rate is how often the analog wave is sampled. Nyquist showed 
that you have to sample at twice the rate of the highest frequency that may 
occur in the original data. Most humans don't output (and can't hear) 
anything about 4 KHz. So sample 8,000 times per second (8Khz) and the 
result will be good enough. When using a sample rate of 8,000 KHz, if each 
sample is saved in an 8-bit byte, the resulting data rate is 64 Kbps. 
That's one DS0. Compression allows us to use a smaller data rate, with some 
loss in fidelity.


Priscilla Oppenheimer

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