I sold my customer 3640 with 8-port analog module and Cisco Secure ACS
server 3.0.

It's pretty simple design with 3640 acting as RAS and Cisco Secure ACS(NT
version) doing the Radius authentication.

The radius server is running on the NT 4.0 and integrated with the existing
NT domain.

I have no problem with IP whatsoever, but appletalk is giving me a problem.

Within their network they have a bunch of NT servers running IP and a few NT
server with services for mac installed and MAC servers running appletalk.

All mac clients sitting on their LAN has no problem accessing appleshare,
but when the mac client dials into the RAS, the authentication succeeds with
the user's NT account via Radius, and they can all use IP.  However they are
not able to use any appleshare resources.

Do I need to have appletalk routing enabled?

I have looked all over the Cisco web site, but couldn't find a solution for

Thanks in advance.

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