can't you just route map to ethernet on the local router?
this should send all traffic for the destination network out
that interface regardless. it makes your routing table look
like everything is directly connected but at least it works
for ip route staments..

""bergenpeak""  wrote in message
> I'm trying to use the "set ip next-hop" feature in a route-map
> and seeing some behavior I don't understand.
> If I define the "ip next-hop" to be an IP address that's
> not on an interface directly connected to the router performing
> the route-map, the router does the recursive lookup and
> forwards the packet accordingly.  This is good.
> If I define the "ip next-hop" to be an IP address for
> the remote end of a locally connected POS interface, the
> packet is forwarded out the POS interface.  This is good.
> If I define the "ip next-hop" to be an IP address for a
> router directly connected via an ethernet interface, the
> packet appears to get dropped.  Basically, I have a setup
> where I'm using an ethernet as a point-to-point link
> and when the next-hop is set to the IP at the other end of
> the ethernet /30, forwarding doesn't seem to work.
> Any thoughts on why this doesn't work when on ethernet?
> Thanks

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