Removing the route map and as-path filters will work the way you have it (if
you do "no route-map MyISP-In" it will remove the entire route-map), but you
should also remove the neighbor statements in your config. that reference
these things.  By looking at the configs., I'm assuming this is in a lab
environment and not a real implementation.

permit ^$ is simply permitting an empty as path.  In other words, only
routes originating in the local AS will be permitted.  It's a common way to
ensure that your AS does not become transit for somebody else's traffic.

permit ^[0-9]* is a little more complicated.  This statement is saying to
permit zero or more instances of a number between 0 and 9.  Do a search on
CCO for AS path filters and you should find some good info. to help you on
your way.

CCIE #9340

""Anil Gupte""  wrote in message
> To remove this:
> route-map MyISP-In permit 10
>  match as-path 6
>  set local-preference 200
> Do I just do this?:
> no route-map MyISP-In permit 10
> Also, to remove:
> ip as-path access-list 1 permit ^[0-9]*
> ip as-path access-list 2 permit ^$
> ip as-path access-list 3 permit ^1234$
> ip as-path access-list 3 permit ^1234_[0-9]*_[0-9]*$
> Do I just?:
> no ip as-path access-list 1 permit ^[0-9]*
> no ip as-path access-list 2
> no ip as-path access-list 3
> Also what is that "permit ^$" and "permit ^[0-9]*" for?  What does it do?
> Thanx for the help.
> Anil Gupte

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