At 6:34 PM -0400 6/13/02, Michael Graham wrote:
>It's just occured to me that with that one announcement Cisco has made all
>Token Ring stuff sold on Ebay, for various home labs, worthless.....and
>me a pretty penny.
>Mike Graham

It is said that:

    an optimist says the glass of water is half full
    a pessimist says the glass of water is half empty
    an engineer says the size of the glass was incorrectly specified.

If I were building a home lab, I'd look at the availability of TR 
devices as a way to add, cheaply, more routers.  At layer 3, it 
doesn't matter if you are interconnecting with Ethernet or Token Ring.

Sure, you'll want some Ethernets for Ethernet-only bridging and other 
topics. But the availability of cheap TR gear lets you add more 
routing complexity at low cost.  There's also no reason why you can't 
use boxes that have TR, ISDN, and serial interfaces.

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