Just got a new 3550-EMI 24port.  
Check the sh ip portion. Yep, it's an IP router! 
Looks like this little bad boy could actually throw a rather large monkey
wrech into the works.



Exec commands:
  access-enable    Create a temporary Access-List entry
  access-template  Create a temporary Access-List entry
  archive          manage archive files
  cd               Change current directory
  clear            Reset functions
  clock            Manage the system clock
  cluster          cluster exec mode commands
  configure        Enter configuration mode
  connect          Open a terminal connection
  copy             Copy from one file to another
  debug            Debugging functions (see also 'undebug')
  delete           Delete a file
  dir              List files on a filesystem
  disable          Turn off privileged commands
  disconnect       Disconnect an existing network connection
  dot1x            IEEE 801.1X commands
  enable           Turn on privileged commands
  erase            Erase a filesystem
  exit             Exit from the EXEC
  format           Format a filesystem
  fsck             Fsck a filesystem
  help             Description of the interactive help system
  lock             Lock the terminal
  login            Log in as a particular user
  logout           Exit from the EXEC
  mkdir            Create new directory
  more             Display the contents of a file
  mrinfo           Request neighbor and version information from a multicast
  mrm              IP Multicast Routing Monitor Test
  mstat            Show statistics after multiple multicast traceroutes
  mtrace           Trace reverse multicast path from destination to source
  name-connection  Name an existing network connection
  no               Disable debugging functions
  ping             Send echo messages
  pwd              Display current working directory
  rcommand         Run command on remote switch
  reload           Halt and perform a cold restart
  rename           Rename a file
  resume           Resume an active network connection
  rmdir            Remove existing directory
  rsh              Execute a remote command
  send             Send a message to other tty lines
  setup            Run the SETUP command facility
  show             Show running system information
  systat           Display information about terminal lines
  telnet           Open a telnet connection
  terminal         Set terminal line parameters
  test             Test subsystems, memory, and interfaces
  traceroute       Trace route to destination
  tunnel           Open a tunnel connection
  udld             UDLD protocol commands
  undebug          Disable debugging functions (see also 'debug')
  verify           Verify a file
  vlan             Configure VLAN parameters
  vmps             VMPS actions
  where            List active connections
  write            Write running configuration to memory, network, or


3550-EMI#sh ip ?
  access-lists  List IP access lists
  accounting    The active IP accounting database
  aliases       IP alias table
  arp           IP ARP table
  cache         IP fast-switching route cache
  cef           Cisco Express Forwarding
  dvmrp         DVMRP information
  eigrp         IP-EIGRP show commands
  flow          NetFlow switching
  igmp          IGMP information
  interface     IP interface status and configuration
  irdp          ICMP Router Discovery Protocol
  local         IP local options
  masks         Masks associated with a network
  mcache        IP multicast fast-switching cache
  mpacket       Display possible duplicate multicast packets
  mrm           IP Multicast Routing Monitor information
  mroute        IP multicast routing table
  msdp          Multicast Source Discovery Protool (MSDP)
  nat           IP NAT information
  ospf          OSPF information
  pim           PIM information
  prefix-list   List IP prefix lists
  protocols     IP routing protocol process parameters and statistics
  redirects     IP redirects
  rip           IP RIP show commands
  route         IP routing table
  rpf           Display RPF information for multicast source
  sdr           Session Directory (SDPv2) cache
  sockets       Open IP sockets
  traffic       IP protocol statistics
  vrf           VPN Routing/Forwarding instance information


Configure commands:
  aaa                         Authentication, Authorization and Accounting.
  access-list                 Add an access list entry
  alias                       Create command alias
  arp                         Set a static ARP entry
  banner                      Define a login banner
  boot                        Boot Commands
  bridge                      Bridge Group.
  buffers                     Adjust system buffer pool parameters
  cdp                         Global CDP configuration subcommands
  class-map                   Configure QoS Class Map
  clock                       Configure time-of-day clock
  cluster                     Cluster configuration commands
  default                     Set a command to its defaults
  default-value               Default character-bits values
  define                      interface range macro definition
  dnsix-dmdp                  Provide DMDP service for DNSIX
  dnsix-nat                   Provide DNSIX service for audit trails
  dot1x                       IEEE 802.1X subsystem
  downward-compatible-config  Generate a configuration compatible with older
  enable                      Modify enable password parameters
  end                         Exit from configure mode
  errdisable                  Error disable
  exception                   Exception handling
  exit                        Exit from configure mode
  file                        Adjust file system parameters
  help                        Description of the interactive help system
  hostname                    Set system's network name
  interface                   Select an interface to configure
  ip                          Global IP configuration subcommands
  key                         Key management
  line                        Configure a terminal line
  logging                     Modify message logging facilities
  mac                         Global MAC configuration subcommands
  mac-address-table           Configure the MAC address table
  map-class                   Configure static map class
  map-list                    Configure static map list
  mls                         Global Multi-Layer Switching parameters
  monitor                     Configure SPAN monitoring
  mvr                         Enable/Disable MVR on the switch
  no                          Negate a command or set its defaults
  ntp                         Configure NTP
  policy-map                  Configure QoS Policy Map
  port-channel                EtherChannel configuration
  priority-list               Build a priority list
  privilege                   Command privilege parameters
  process-max-time            Maximum time for process to run before
                              voluntarily relinquishing processor
  queue-list                  Build a custom queue list
  rmon                        Remote Monitoring
  route-map                   Create route-map or enter route-map command
  router                      Enable a routing process
  rtr                         RTR Base Configuration
  scheduler                   Scheduler parameters
  sdm                         Switch database management
  service                     Modify use of network based services
  shutdown                    Shutdown system elements
  snmp-server                 Modify SNMP parameters
  spanning-tree               Spanning Tree Subsystem
  subscriber-policy           Subscriber policy
  switchcore                  switchcore configuration
  system                      Set the system configuration
  tacacs-server               Modify TACACS query parameters
  template                    Select a template to configure
  tftp-server                 Provide TFTP service for netload requests
  time-range                  Define time range entries
  udld                        Configure global UDLD setting
  username                    Establish User Name Authentication
  vlan                        Vlan commands
  vmps                        VMPS settings
  vtp                         Configure global VTP state


3550-EMI(config)#router ?
  bgp       Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
  egp       Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP)
  eigrp     Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP)
  igrp      Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP)
  isis      ISO IS-IS
  iso-igrp  IGRP for OSI networks
  mobile    Mobile routes
  odr       On Demand stub Routes
  ospf      Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
  rip       Routing Information Protocol (RIP)
  static    Static routes

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