>Morgan Hansen
>Sent: Monday, July 01, 2002 1:15 PM
>Subject: Its not fair! [7:47868]
>WOW! Im getting this form everyone now it seams;
>Enable secret works over enable password.   So if you
>have an enable secret you do not need an enable

It's a good idea to have both. If someone downloaded an older version of 
the IOS, the older version wouldn't recognize the newer "enable secret" 
command. This would leave your router without an enable password. So, you 
should do both.

As everyone has pointed out, the enable password is not the same as the 
passwords that let you in via console or Telnet.

The Cisco Networking Academy course materials are generally very good. I 
doubt they got this wrong. I can belive that your instructor made the 
mistake. But did the course materials?

You will find quite a bit of misinformation about Cisco configuration, 
concepts, design, etc. There are numerous mistakes in books, course 
materials, online materials, etc. We all deal with this frustration on a 
daily basis. However, most information that comes directly from Cisco (not 
all of course! ;-) is generally accurate.

Good luck with your studies. Don't get too frustrated. The CCNA exam is 
quite easy. You'll do OK, I bet.


>And if this is correct, then ok, cool, im fine with it, no problem and
>thanx allot guys!
>What I DO have problems with though is paying allot of $$$ to some
>"school" here in Noway where I live, joining the CNAP program, studying
>the Curriculum day in day out, being told a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THING
>by my CCNA/CNAP teachers (Not mentioning Cisco and their Curriculum!)
>and because of aaaal this maybe failing my CCNA exam because of a
>misseducated mind! It's not fair!
>I mean. Come on?? Im sorry, but im really frustrated right now and I
>hope you can understand that :-(
>I mean, ok?? So weve used a Curriculum a little old, or at least older
>than what you need to be reading to pass the 640-607 exam, BUT:
>Wouldn't you agree, that it would be nice if Cisco could have sent us
>updates on important things like this here during our CNAP program?!
>If not, at least made sure our teachers knew about updates like this
>knowing they where gonna be asking us these questions on our exams :-(
>Nah, its not fair, its just not fair! (sad)


Priscilla Oppenheimer

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