Yes, you can do that. It's not recommended, but it can be done.

Installation Order:

1) Windows 2000
2) Windows 2000 Service Pack 2
3) Internet Explorer 5.5
4) Windows 2000 call mangler OS upgrade
5) Callmangler (whatever version + multiple service packs)
6) Setup the server as a domain controller
7) Exchange 5.5
8) Exchange 5.5 Service Pack 4
9) Unity

that's the quick and dirty run-down for ya.  I dont think I missed anything,
but if scott morris sees this, Im sure he can validate it or let you know
what I missed/skipped.

-Brad Ellis
CCIE#5796 (R&S / Security)
Network Learning Inc
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cisco hardware)

""supernet""  wrote in message
> I wonder if I can install both callmanager and unity on 1 machine.
> Anyone did this?
> Thanks.
> Yoshi

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