You have the lmi-type set wrong on the switch-to-switch connection. It
should be "frame lmi-type q933a "

See the link below for more info on frame relay.

Marc Russell
Network Learning, Inc.
1677 W. Hamlin
Rochester Hills, MI 48309
Ph# 248-299-8114 (Cisco Training)
www.@!#$.com (Cisco R&S CCIE Discussion group) (Cisco Security CCIE Discussion group) (Cisco Voice Discussion group) (Cisco hardware)

""Pierre-Alex Guanel""  wrote in message
> My frame-relay switch died, so I put 2 1700 routers back-to-back to get
> enough interfaces.
> I made sure to use the interface type "nni" between the two 1700, yet it
> looks like the two frame-relay switches are not talking to each other.
> Anyone try this trick before. This is what I get:
> frame2#show ro
> frame2#show frame route
> Input Intf      Input Dlci      Output Intf     Output Dlci     Status
> Serial0         501             Serial1         301             inactive
> Serial0         502             Serial1         302             inactive
> Serial0         503             Serial1         303             inactive
> Serial1         301             Serial0         501             active
> Serial1         302             Serial0         502             active
> Serial1         303             Serial0         503             active
> frame2#
> frame1#show frame
> % Incomplete command.
> frame1#show frame ro
> Input Intf      Input Dlci      Output Intf     Output Dlci     Status
> Serial0         101             Serial3         501             inactive
> Serial1         102             Serial3         502             inactive
> Serial2         103             Serial3         503             inactive
> Serial3         501             Serial0         101             active
> Serial3         502             Serial1         102             active
> Serial3         503             Serial2         103             active
> frame1#
> [Resuming connection 2 to frame2 ... ]
> frame2#show frame ro
> Input Intf      Input Dlci      Output Intf     Output Dlci     Status
> Serial0         501             Serial1         301             inactive
> Serial0         502             Serial1         302             inactive
> Serial0         503             Serial1         303             inactive
> Serial1         301             Serial0         501             active
> Serial1         302             Serial0         502             active
> Serial1         303             Serial0         503             active
> frame2#
> -------------- and here are my configs -------------------
> frame1#show run
> Building configuration...
> Current configuration:
> !
> version 12.0
> service timestamps debug uptime
> service timestamps log uptime
> no service password-encryption
> !
> hostname frame1
> !
> enable secret 5 $1$8trQ$MA9cUOeNwYnOmOPZsav8D0
> !
> !
> !
> !
> !
> memory-size iomem 25
> ip subnet-zero
> ip host frame2 2005
> !
> frame-relay switching
> !
> !
> process-max-time 200
> !
> interface Loopback0
>  ip address
>  no ip directed-broadcast
> !
> interface Serial0
>  description CHI
>  bandwidth 1544
>  no ip address
>  no ip directed-broadcast
>  encapsulation frame-relay
>  no ip mroute-cache
>  keepalive 1
>  fair-queue 64 32 0
>  cdp enable
>  frame-relay lmi-type cisco
>  frame-relay intf-type dce
>  frame-relay route 101 interface Serial3 501
> !
> interface Serial1
>  description SJ
>  no ip address
>  no ip directed-broadcast
>  encapsulation frame-relay
>  frame-relay intf-type dce
>  frame-relay route 102 interface Serial3 502
> !
> interface Serial2
>  description ROCH
>  no ip address
>  no ip directed-broadcast
>  encapsulation frame-relay
>  clockrate 128000
>  frame-relay intf-type dce
>  frame-relay route 103 interface Serial3 503
> !
> interface Serial3
>  no ip address
>  no ip directed-broadcast
>  encapsulation frame-relay
>  clockrate 128000
>  frame-relay intf-type nni
>  frame-relay route 501 interface Serial0 101
>  frame-relay route 502 interface Serial1 102
>  frame-relay route 503 interface Serial2 103
> !
> interface FastEthernet0
>  no ip address
>  no ip directed-broadcast
>  shutdown
> !
> ip classless
> no ip http server
> !
> !
> line con 0
>  transport input none
>  escape-character 9
> line aux 0
>  no exec
>  transport input all
> line vty 0 4
>  password cisco
>  login
> !
> no scheduler allocate
> end
> frame1#
> ---------------------------------------------------
> frame2#
> frame2#
> frame2#show run
> Building configuration...
> Current configuration:
> !
> version 12.0
> service timestamps debug uptime
> service timestamps log uptime
> no service password-encryption
> !
> hostname frame2
> !
> enable secret 5 $1$Obxi$tJ7NyXAUQyrCbx6hvtcBr1
> !
> !
> !
> !
> !
> memory-size iomem 25
> ip subnet-zero
> ip host switch 2005
> !
> frame-relay switching
> !
> !
> process-max-time 200
> !
> interface Loopback0
>  ip address
>  no ip directed-broadcast
> !
> interface Serial0
>  no ip address
>  no ip directed-broadcast
>  encapsulation frame-relay
>  no ip mroute-cache
>  no fair-queue
>  cdp enable
>  frame-relay intf-type nni
>  frame-relay route 501 interface Serial1 301
>  frame-relay route 502 interface Serial1 302
>  frame-relay route 503 interface Serial1 303
> !
> interface Serial1
>  no ip address
>  no ip directed-broadcast
>  encapsulation frame-relay
>  frame-relay lmi-type cisco
>  frame-relay intf-type dce
>  frame-relay route 301 interface Serial0 501
>  frame-relay route 302 interface Serial0 502
>  frame-relay route 303 interface Serial0 503
> !
> interface Serial2
>  no ip address
>  no ip directed-broadcast
>  shutdown
> !
> interface Serial3
>  no ip address
>  no ip directed-broadcast
>  shutdown
> !
> interface FastEthernet0
>  no ip address
>  no ip directed-broadcast
>  shutdown
> !
> ip classless
> no ip http server
> !
> !
> line con 0
>  transport input none
>  escape-character 10
> line aux 0
>  no exec
>  transport input all
> line vty 0 4
>  password san-fran
>  login
> !
> no scheduler allocate
> end

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