eo wrote:
> On Tuesday 30 July 2002 07:59 pm, Dimitrije wrote:
> > I would like to connect 2 routers with a back-to-back frame
> relay WAN
> > conection,
> > but I don't have the DCE-DTE back-to-back cable.  Each router
> does however
> > have
> > T1 WICs.
> >
> > My question is can I connect the routers together with a T1
> cross-over
> > cable and
> > successfully run frame relay encapsulation over that WAN.  I
> don't see why
> > not.
> > Am I missing something?
> >
> > Thanks
> > Nondisclosure violations to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> You should'nt have any issues with two WIC's and a T1 crossover
> cable, I do it
> all the time in my lab provided you have a properly wired T1
> crossover made.
> D
Or, use a DTE cable plus a DCE cable (e.g. X.21 DCE plus X.21 DTE).


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