
So what you're saying is:
HQ has a 1Mbit/s link to the Internet
HQ has a 1Mbit/s link into a Frame/ATM cloud over which 4 PVC's have been

If Site A needs to access HQ, it should be able to do so without any
rate-limiting.  If Site A and Site B need to access HQ, they should share
the 1Mbit/s evenly.

Unfortunately, there is not a way to do this directly with a rate-limit and
an access-list.  You can not dynamically place in a structured/logical rate
limit of:

if site = transmitting {
 check for other speakers;
if other transmitters = yes {
   give site 1Mbit/s;
if other transmitters = no {
  give site xMbit/s
If I'm wrong, someone please jump in and correct me.

What you should look into doing instead would be:
For traffic to/from the internet (remember the ACL I talked about before)
set precedence = 0
For traffic to/from HQ to/from a branch office (the opposite of the ACL) set
precedence = 5

Then you can use WRED to handle the congestion management part.
There's wrap there, so be careful.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 5:32 PM
Subject: RE: Using QoS to Control Utilization [7:51254]

Hi Mark,
  The point is that the client is having only 1M feeding his branches, over
this 1M 4 PVCs are 
created, each PVC is 1M by itself. 
The idea behind that is if Branch A is accessing the HQ either for internal
access of for Internet the branch can get as much as it needs - even the
whole 1M - provided that no other branches are requesting any traffic.
However, if more than one branch were requesting traffic at the same time I
should gurantee a min bandwidth/branch (let's say 256K )
 So scenario would be: Branch A working alone = A takes as much as he needs
                                    Another branch started requesting
traffic then A's utilization should failover such that the other site get
it's minmum guranteed and the rest is best effort between them.
Do u think this is acheivable ??

>-HQ = 1MBit/s to Internet 
>-HQ has four links to branches, each branch link = 1Mbit/s 
>-Each branch will go through the HQ to reach the HQ, as well 
> as other branches 
>-Each branch will access the Internet through the HQ 
>I hope I've got it right so far!? =] 
>One easy way to do this would be to decide on a traffic-shaping, 
>or policing policy for each site. Let's say I've decided 
>to give each site 256Kbit/s access to the Internet (slightly 
>oversubscribe my network 4*256=1024). Therefore, I need 
>to tell the router that traffic destined for the Internet 
>must be either shaped or policed to that rate. 
>If the company has been using a good addressing scheme it should be rather 
>easy to distinguish between traffic destined for the company 
>network, versus the internet. To do this, simply right an access-list 
>matching the networks of the company. Let's say they're using rfc1918 
> space. Simply write up an access-list denying the 10 space (you 
>might want to include addressing necessary for a dynamic routing protocol 
>you might have in use). Then put a permit any at the end. 
>This will deny policing or shaping the company space, and will shape/police

>the Internet traffic. 
>Then, just apply your shaping/policing with the modular QoS, a
>on the interface, or a rate-limit. 
>If you would like configuration examples, let me know. 
>Take care, 
>-----Original Message----- 
>Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 2:00 PM 
>Subject: Using QoS to Control Utilization [7:51254] 
>Hi Group I need your suggestions regarding the following Scenario.A 
>company's main Branch is having 1M Internet and inturn it is providing 
>Internet/Connectivity between 4 branches using a hub-&-spoke topology 
>over another 1M.The client requirments are as follows1) Frame Relay is 
>used to acheive connectivity between branches and the main office2) Main 
>Branch is feeding the 4 branches with a total bandwidth of 1M3) Each 
>Branch will have 1M connecting it to the main branch. (Over-Booking )4) 
>Any branch can burst traffic up to the 1M if working alone.5) Traffic of 
>any branch should fall to a pre-defined value incase more than one branch 
>trying to access the main branch at the same time to either have Internet 
>or to reach another branch through the hub. I thought about QoS and I 
>guess this target can be acheived using it. Haven't digged enough yet to 
>figure out how this could be done and thought about hearing from you 
>about it. Thanks for your feedback. Regards,Yasser 
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