
Since I didn't get reply for the earlier one, Sorry to resend it again:

I am using a router 7500 with ATM interface to manage an ATM device.The
management s/w is run from a Sun solaris 2.8 .Each of the packet size is on
an average 160 bytes.The device can be configured for managing on LAN as
well as on ATM.When the device is configured for managing in the
LAN,everything goes fine and none of the UDP packets gets lost.But when the
device is configured for managing in ATM I see lot of ICMP redirects come
from 7500.The UDP packets doesn't even reach the device.Also I noticed that
the maximum packet send to the device when managed on the LAN is
2.7KBytes/sec and when configured for managing on the ATM, the maximum
packet send to the device is 2.1KBytes/sec.

I am so confused after looking at the sniffer output.

When Managed for ATM (The device configured for ATM):

1)why ICMP redirects occurs from the router 7500 which is one reason for the
UDP loss.
2)I see sometimes BAD UDP checksum on the sniffer o/p from the device.
3)Why the maximum packets send from the management station is 2.1 KBytes/sec
only which is less than when the device is configured for management on the
LAN side?
4)Is there a way to avoid this on the router end?Some configuration
5)For the management application which is running on the solaris does it
matter LAN management and ATM management?If not, why the difference in
Maximumm packets send differs in both?If yes, anybody can explain how??????

I appreciate if anybody can throw some light into this.Spending considerable
amount of time to troubleshoot this .


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