Recently I completed the DQoS class offered by Knowledge Net (
www.knowledgenet,com )

Let me first say this is the second class I have taken from them. Web for
video, 800 call for audio. Works great. I've enjoyed both classes immensely.
Good teachers, even if they do all sound like a.m. radio disk jockeys. I've
even had the pleasure of meeting a couple of Groupstudy regulars in the
classes I've taken.

Any case, as part of the price, a student gets to access labs ( simulated
routers, so there are some limitations )

Since this is QoS, a few of the labs showed effects of voice, video, and
data with and without various classification, marking, and queuing features

Once in a while, after you observe the results of your configs, a question
will pop up, asking what happened and why.

Of course the audio video, having to come through not only the lab ware, but
also across the net and through my corporate VPN, often is totally without
merit, so that it is completely accidental if anything actually observed
resembles anything you are supposed to have observed.

For example, the video is an endless loop of John Chambers introducing
himself. It suffers all the characteristics of jitter and delay no matter
what QoS features are or are not configured. Just like the proverbial
samurai movie. Sometimes the telephone voice works, sometimes it doesn't,
not matter what the configuration. Voice calls would go through ( with very
poor quality ) even if the correct answer to the question was that they did

Well, I thought it was funny. I guess you have to be there. :->
there ain't no such thing as a free lunch

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