sam sneed wrote:
> There is no simple tool to do this Osama. Try connecting to 1720 on some
> servers on other networks. While you do this do use a sniffer. You should
> get a connectrion refused (RST) from the server. Verify this with packets
> captured by sniffer. If you simply see syn packets going out and no
> connection refused message, that means a firewall is dropping them
> Some FW's will send the reject message themselves Osama. You will also be
> able to see this in the packet dump. These problems take a lot of trial and
> error and cooperation of your ISP to resolve but are not impossible to
> troubleshoot.
> ""Osama Kamal""  wrote in message
>>I am having a problem with a blocked port somewhere on the internet down
> to
>>my router, my ISP is denying any blocking from their side, is there is any
>>way to know where exactly the port is blocked?
use 'hping' with -T option. it works most unix machine.

following is a test output.
tcp/514 is filtered at

% hping -n -S -p 514 -T xxx.yyy.zzz
HPING xxx.yyy.zzz (hme0 a.b.c.d): S set, 40 headers + 0 data bytes
hop=1 TTL 0 during transit from ip=
hop=1 hoprtt=0.9 ms
hop=2 TTL 0 during transit from ip=
hop=2 hoprtt=0.6 ms
hop=3 TTL 0 during transit from ip=
hop=3 hoprtt=0.7 ms
hop=4 TTL 0 during transit from ip=
hop=4 hoprtt=0.7 ms
hop=5 TTL 0 during transit from ip=
hop=5 hoprtt=0.7 ms
hop=6 TTL 0 during transit from ip=
hop=6 hoprtt=1.2 ms
hop=7 TTL 0 during transit from ip=
hop=7 hoprtt=1.5 ms
hop=8 TTL 0 during transit from ip=
hop=8 hoprtt=1.7 ms
hop=9 TTL 0 during transit from ip=
hop=9 hoprtt=1.7 ms
ICMP Packet filtered from ip=
ICMP Packet filtered from ip=
ICMP Packet filtered from ip=
--- xxx.yyy.zzz hping statistic ---
35 packets tramitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.6/1.1/1.7 ms

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