I can't get a 3600 and a 7500 w/ ATM DS3 ints  to communicate over the PVC
through the LS1010!

All documented configuration I've found is v. simple and straightforward,
but something is amiss. Any pointers, advice from the groupstudy guys would
be great (Note, I have a TAC case open on this and they haven't been able to
solve it yet):

Here's a diagram of what we have set up. Very simple setup we have:

maingw7500 - LS1010 - 3600                                              
atm5/1/0.40 --- atm0/0/0 | atm0/0/1
pvc3/40 ------------ pvc 3/40   pvc3/50 

Now for the interface configs on the routers and the entire config of the

VGW7500 (IOS Version 12.0(9)S)

interface ATM5/1/0
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
 ip route-cache flow
 no ip route-cache cef
 no ip route-cache distributed
 atm uni-version 3.1
 no atm auto-configuration
 atm ilmi-keepalive
 no atm address-registration
 atm ilmi-pvc-discovery
interface ATM5/1/0.40 point-to-point
 ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
 pvc 3/40
  protocol ip
  no ilmi manage
  oam-pvc 0 ****NOTE**** here oam-pvc manage brings down the interface!
  encapsulation aal5snap


Loaner3600 (IOS Version 12.1(5)T5)

interface ATM1/0
 no ip address
 ip route-cache flow
 atm uni-version 3.1
 no atm auto-configuration
 atm ilmi-keepalive
 no atm address-registration
 atm ilmi-pvc-discovery
interface ATM1/0.50 point-to-point
 ip address
 pvc 3/50
  protocol ip
  oam-pvc manage
  encapsulation aal5snap


SW1010_Lightstream(IOS Version 12.1(7a)EY3)

Current configuration : 1589 bytes
version 12.1
no service pad
service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log uptime
service password-encryption
hostname sw1010
enable secret 5 xxx
network-clock-select 1 System clock
sdm ipqos zero
sdm policy 0
ip subnet-zero
no ip finger
atm address 47.0091.8100.0000.0009.b71c.3e01.0009.b71c.3e01.00
atm router pnni
 no aesa embedded-number left-justified
 node 1 level 56 lowest
  redistribute atm-static
interface ATM0/0/0
 no ip address
 no atm auto-configuration
 no atm address-registration
interface ATM0/0/1
 no ip address
 no atm auto-configuration
 no atm address-registration
 atm pvc 3 50  interface  ATM0/0/0 3 40
interface ATM0/0/2
 no ip address
 no ip route-cache cef
 no atm auto-configuration
 no atm address-registration
 atm uni version 3.1
interface ATM0/0/3
 no ip address
interface ATM0
 no ip address
 atm oam interface  ATM0/0/0 0 16 seg-loopback  rdi
 atm oam interface  ATM0/0/1 0 16 seg-loopback  rdi
 atm oam interface  ATM0/0/2 0 16 seg-loopback  rdi
 atm oam interface  ATM0/0/3 0 16 seg-loopback  rdi
 atm oam interface  ATM0/0/0 0 5 seg-loopback  rdi
 atm oam interface  ATM0/0/1 0 5 seg-loopback  rdi
 atm oam interface  ATM0/0/2 0 5 seg-loopback  rdi
 atm oam interface  ATM0/0/3 0 5 seg-loopback  rdi
interface Ethernet0
 ip address
ip classless
ip route Ethernet0
no ip http server
line con 0
 transport input none
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
 exec-timeout 120 0
 password 7 xxx



- When the routers are terminated with a physical loopback they ping their
own ATM ints just fine.
- All interfaces on the routers have been in production in recent past. 
- SW1010 can terminate its interfaces w/ physical loopback and it looks fine
- 3600 interface stopped flapping when we extended its cable.
- Routers can ping their own ATM ints also when they are plugged into LS1010
AND the other LS1010 interface it is mapped to is plugged into itself with
at physical loopback.
- 3600 can ping its own ATM int even when it is plugged into LS1010 AND 7500
is plugged into other LS1010 interface to which its mapped
- Also, on the LS1010, when we do a "ping atm interface atm0/0/1 3 50
end-loopback" command it works fine (this is with a normal setup like i just
mentioned above), but the same "ping atm" command mapping to the 7500's
interface and pvc does not work because we can't run OAM-PVC MANAGE on the
7500 sub-int without it bringing down the interface??
- Throughout this process we have occasionally been able to get pings
through from the 3600 atm int to the 7500 atm int.
- We've tried many debugs, and one common debug message on pings is
"encapsulation failed", but we have aal5snap defined on both ends of the PVC
- I know we don't need ILMI on a PVC, but it helps for debugging
- Both atm interfaces on the routers are set to CLOCKING=LINE, and the
LS1010 is set to "Current clock source:System clock, priority:1"

Any advice or help would be appreciated!

Jason Evans

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