ONe place is the corporate directory, which is usually in the DC direcrotry.
YOu get that by clicking on the directory button.  Is that what you are
talking about, or are you talking about personal directory, or the AD
plugin, or the Exchange PAB plug-in?

If it's what I think it is, the Active Directory, you probably have to run
the Active Directory Plug in again:

""Jay Dunn""  wrote in message
> I have inherited responsibility for our IP phone system and am using OJT
> to figure everything out. We are using CallManager 3.2 and receiving our
> directory user lists from our win2k AD. The tech that originally set
> this up created separate OUs in AD for onsite and offsite personnel.
> CallManager only queries the onsite OU for our user directory list. A
> user's phone extension is looked up in the "telephone number" field in
> the user's AD profile. I now have reason to change the OU hierarchy in
> AD. I would also like to change the field where CallManager looks up a
> user's extension. Could someone point me in the right direction for
> determining where these queries are configured? I've examined the system
> parameters and the ASP pages referenced in the directory URL as well as
> the registry on the CCM server. I've also run the AD plug-in, but I'm
> stumped.
> Thanks..
> Jay Dunn
> IPI*GrammTech, Ltd.
> Nunquam Facilis Est

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