Take a look at the following book. Haven't read it myself, but I have
heard that's its a great book:
Internetworking with TCP/IP: Principles, Protocols, and Architecture (4th
Edition)by Douglas Comer

Hope this helps,

> Group,
> I was contemplating my Christmas list recently.  I see that Stevens'
> "TCP Illustrated" series is available in box set.  Anyone who's read
> from this series care to comment on the relevance of the material?
> Obviously, TCP and IP haven't changed all that much since '94, but I
> was wondering how much coverage was given to "recent" extensions.  I
> wonder that because the editorial review on bookpool makes reference to
> several extensions such as window scaling and so forth and also to
> specific releases of varios OSes.
> I'm also open to alternative recommendations.  Read anything good
> lately?
> Thanks all,
> Scott
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