Perhaps the router isn't seeing the CONFREQ from the
other router so is sending it's own. I've seen this
kind of activity when troubleshooting PPP problems.
Could be a line issue of some sort, code issue,
misconfiguration perhaps, etc. 

What type of connection is this (Point to point, ISDN,

You're best bet would be to post the debug output here
from both routers (debug ppp nego). Set the timestamp
to datetime format also (service timestamp debug
datetime msec). 

HTH, Erick

--- wolfgang klages 
> Group,
> Couple of PPP questions...
> [1] I'm looking at the debug output of a PPP
> negotiation on a Cisco router.
> The router receives a CONFREQ in the 'Closed' state.
> RFC1661 specifies
> that the router should reply with a Terminate-Ack.
> However, the router
> replies with a CONFREQ of its own. The router then
> moves from the 'Closed'
> state to the 'REQsent' state. Hard to believe but
> could it be that the
> router is not behaving according to RFC1661.
> [2] In this same debug output, I see the router
> receive a 'FORCED
> CONFREQ'. This message is not in RFC1661. Is this
> something internal
> only to Cisco routers? If so, what is its purpose?

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