Cool! Hey, with numbers that big, I think they should start doing them in
hex. Wouldn't CCIE 2A38 sound better? ;-)

That is NOT mean to deride your huge accomplishment. You just got me
thinking with the "Lab 0 Richard 1" title. What does that mean?


Richard Botham wrote:
> All,
> I've been waiting to write this for a long time now.
> I finally made it, got back from Brussels last night, dialled
> up this morning and there it was #10808. WOW
> My sincere thanks go to all who have helped me along the way.
> I must however mention the likes of Marc Russell, Chuck (The
> long & Winding Road) and John Neiberger who have (along with an
> awful lot of studying) made this possible.
> Best Regards
> Richard

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