At 5:08 AM +0000 1/1/03, The Long and Winding Road wrote:
>""chris kane""  wrote in message
>>  So I'm beginning my IE studies and had a thought. I wonder just how many
>>  commands there are. Throw out the 3550s, and just how many commands are
>>  possible on the 2600/3600 12.1 series IOS.?.
>which image?   ;->

As a vague context, I weighed the 9.x command reference on my kitchen 
scale, and it was four ounces or so.  10.x was about ten ounces. 
11.x slammed the pointer beyond the limit with a loud thump.

I have not repeated the experiment with 12.x. When I want to lift 
that much, I use barbells.

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