I Just found this out from SANS Critical Vulnerability Analysis...

HIGH: Cisco IOS SSH Denial of Service Vulnerability
Affected Products:
Cisco IOS versions 12.0S, 12.0ST, 12.1T, 12.1E, 12.1EA, 12.2, 12.2T,
12.2S. All products running these versions of IOS are vulnerable if
the SSH server feature is enabled.
Cisco routers and Catalyst switches running affected versions of
IOS will reboot upon receiving malicious traffic sent by Rapid7's
SSHredder SSH test suite. Most Cisco devices will resume service
following the reboot, but can be rendered unavailable for several
minutes while the device reloads. The exception is the Cisco 3550,
which requires a manual reset following a successful attack.
Risk: Cisco routers and switches offering SSH services can be rebooted
(repeatedly) by a remote unauthenticated attacker.
Deployment: Significant.
The affected IOS versions are widely deployed throughout the Internet
Ease of Exploitation: Trivial.
Exploit code exists and is publicly available.
Status: This vulnerability has been confirmed by Cisco. The Cisco
advisory provides a patch release schedule for the various IOS
Cisco Advisory:
Rapid7 SSHredder Test Suite:
Council Site Actions:
The majority of the council sites do not use the SSH feature of Cisco
IOS. Furthermore, many of these sites stated they block in-bound SSH
connections at their security perimeters.  The few sites that run SSH
on affected devices plan to deploy the fixed version of the software
when it becomes available later this month.
One site has an extensive implementation of the SSH feature in IOS.
They block in-bound SSH at the perimeters but are concerned that
the vulnerability may be fodder for a new worm. Thus, they are
investigating the likelihood and difficulty factor of such a worm.
They do not have plans to turn off SSH or perform an immediate upgrade.
However, they are prepared with scripts that will turn off SSH,
if needed.


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