I also recommend it to our entry level/ccdp candidates and I
believe several have went and got it. I try and promote your
work and resources when i can.....

Larry Letterman
Network Engineer
Cisco Systems

----- Original Message -----
From: "Priscilla Oppenheimer" 
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 6:32 PM
Subject: Re: Traceroute troubles [7:61247]

> Tom Lisa wrote:
> >
> > Well, considering what she's probably getting paid for
> > it,
> > I doubt it. :(  So, Priscilla (please note I didn't use
any of
> > the
> > prohibited
> > abreviations; wouldn't want to upset the boss), based on
> > hours you
> > put in writing it, how many cents per hour are you
> For each book sold, I can buy a latte! I worked on the
book for many
> months, but I don't know the number of hours. I didn't get
paid to write the
> book, but I do get royalties. The publisher gets the
lion's share,
> unfortunately.
> Thanks for keeping the thread going. That's free
marketing. :-) I'd like to
> see the book sell better, not because of the money, but
because we (myself
> and my co-author) have a lot of accumulated knowledge we
would like to pass
> on to the next generation of nerds.
> _______________________________
> Priscilla Oppenheimer
> www.troubleshootingnetworks.com
> www.priscilla.com
> >
> > Prof. Tom Lisa, CCAI
> > Community College of Southern Nevada
> > Cisco ATC/Regional Networking Academy
> > "Cunctando restituit rem"
> >
> > Larry Letterman wrote:
> >
> >   Tom,
> >   That means you now work for Priscilla's marketing
> >   Hope she pays you well.....:)
> >
> >   --
> >
> >   Larry Letterman
> >   Network Engineer
> >   Cisco Systems
> >
> >   ""Tom Lisa""  wrote in
> >   message [EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> >   > Priscilla Oppenheimer wrote:
> >   >
> >   >
> >   >
> >   > > Here's how it works, from my book Troubleshooting
> >   Networks, that
> >   > > everyone should get, especially if you are
studying for
> >   the Support test
> >   > for
> >   > > CCNP. It covers all topics for that test. Hey, my
> >   publisher won't do any
> >   > > marketing for me. I'll have to do it myself. Hope
> >   OK, if I keep it
> >   > to
> >   > > a minimum. :-) Anyway, here's the info. (There are
> >   details in the
> >   > book.)
> >   >
> >   > Hey, I'm recommending it to my students.  Does that
mean I
> >   get promotional
> >   > fee? :)
> >   >
> >   > Prof. Tom Lisa, CCAI
> >   > Community College of Southern Nevada
> >   > Cisco ATC/Regional Networking Academy
> >   > "Cunctando restituit rem"

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