kuma kk wrote:
> Hi Group,
> Is there any way to capture the traffic on a WAN link using the
> sniffer
> software. I am able to capture the traffic on Ethernet
> connecting Router and
> Switch port by mirroring the port.
> Appreciate your help
> Regards,
> Kum

If you just mean a PC running a sniffer application, it's pretty unlikely
you'll be able to do any WAN analysis.  The biggest problem is that PCs
don't have much in the way of interfaces that can be put in a monitor
position (ever seen a laptop with a T1 or T3 interface?).  There are some
RS-422 PCMCIA cards out there that are capable of, say, HDLC decode. 
However, I haven't been able to find any sniffer package that will interface
to the driver code for those PCMCIA cards.  If I knew more than just
elementary C++, maybe I could write the code to make the interface between
the two.  I did some research a while back but it wasn't promising.  I'm
hopeful that after I get a little more familiar with Linux some new doors
might open.

Likely, you'll need a WAN analyzer.  They typically run in the $10k(US) to
$25k range.  Not your typical home lab toy.

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