hey all quick q for ya. I have a cat 6509 sitting on the core of a 5000
network with both 100mbit and gigabit links. I have to watch a couple boxes 
on a very busy vlan for session data for analysis, but there is soooo much 
traffic on the specific vlan that it literally made my little laptop scream 
and makes other stronger boxes kinda just die. Well the application (ntop).

I'd like to see if there is a way to use regexp or filtering somehow to
to span to kinda not get the 1gig/s backup traffic that blows my application 
up. I've dug through various manuals and "?" is certainly my friend but I 
can't get anything to work and theres just way too much data off the pipe.
Kinda like drinking from a fire hose ya know.

If anyone has a suggestions on how to limit traffic on a span port to hosts, 
please let me know.

Possibly also if anyone knows any neato applications that can do application 
stream reporting per port etc with bw graphing for the folks who think 
computers are like books let me know. One caveat, it has to run in a GNU 
enviroment eg Linux/FreeBSD.. no Microsoft 'solutions'

Thanks in advance,

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