On Jul 25,  9:03pm, "Troy Leliard" wrote:
} Simon Watson wrote:
} > 
} > Hi Guys I am based in the UK and have aquired some 2501 DC routers,
} > I want to use  the routers to set up a home lab but I only have AC power
} > supply is there some form of AC/DC adaptor I can buy to plug my AC supply
} > in and be converted to DC for the routers ??? Thanks Simon

     It takes -48V DC.  This is standard Telco power.  If you can find
a Telco power supply, you could use it.  However, the best thing would
probably be to find a replacement power supply.

} You need a RPS.  It converts AC to DC and can be used for a number of

     I haven't seen any 2500 series routers with RPS connectors, so an
RPS won't do him any good.

}-- End of excerpt from "Troy Leliard"

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