Dear Ralph, What is questioned is constitutionality, not quantum of tax or its 
administration. Regds, Mathew
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-----Original Message-----
From: "Ralph Coelho" <>

Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2009 04:39:37 
To: <>
Subject: CAF3113 Re: Ends, Means & ABIDe

It seems to be a characteristic of some to  question whatever is said before 
hearing out fully. 
The Bureaucrats in the BBMP. I suspect it is only a couple of them- have done a 
good job of increasing the tax by only  twenty percent. However they have also 
increased art substantially where people are making money. For instance the 
property tax  on tenanted property has been doubled not halved for self 
occupied  as was suggested. The Commercial property is being asked to pay 
higher tax as are these who have been making money on hoardings and towers end 
so on quite oblivious that they do blight the neighborhood

There is even a complain line where one can phone in and report building 
violations . I wonder how many have used it. Maybe they will one day require 
the ward engineer or Tax inspector to report every month on their area that 
there is no violation and hold the Executive Engineer responsible to make spot  
checks as often as he thinks necessary.  Will nay RWA take this up?

R. P. Coelho
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: K. S. Raman 
  Sent: Sunday, March 08, 2009 12:24 PM
  Subject: CAF3109 Re: Ends, Means & ABIDe

        This is a good posting and I hope members of this group take it in the 
right spirit.

        In my limited exposure to civic groups, I have observed that rhetoric 
and assertions take precedence over objective analysis of issues. I haven't 
studied ABIDE, but I have studied property tax, which is the other contentious 
topic in this forum.  The BBMP web portal is quite good, but the Help Centers 
need well-trained staff.  I have helped a few people with their tax and found 
that in most cases the increase is close to 20%, marginally ;less or more.  
Before civic groups make a big noise about property tax increase, I suggest: 
analyze the previous and present data and argue the case.

        Civic groups that aim to make an impact on current issues should set up 
parallel task forces (the shadow cabinet model in the UK).  For this we need 
dedicated experts and financial and other resources in the domains of the 
issues  (law, town planning, primary and secondary education, economics,  
traffic engineering and modeling, solid waste management, microfinance, etc..). 


        --- On Sun, 8/3/09, Vijay Menon <> wrote:

          From: Vijay Menon <>
          Subject: CAF3107 Re: Ends, Means & ABIDe
          To: "Citizens' Action Forum" <>
          Date: Sunday, 8 March, 2009, 10:55 AM

          Just to clarify to all..(And i would still reccomend reading , at
          least at a broad overview level, the.Abide papers before commenting.

          --It is false and fairly misleading to state that Abide looks at
          expenditure alone  and not at revenue.I believe the financing part of
          the papers covers some very important directions at financing without
          compromising on the legalities.

          --It would be even more false to put down the "User fees" issue as
          the  "catch" in the whole document.User fees is just one part of the
          financing methods mentioned .
          for info says .."User fees to incorportaed legally with
          Some other financing avenues mentioned

          ----compliance of 16 lack households
          ---revenue enforcement
          ---models to raise income from higher income neighbourhood area.  ( is
          this elitist??)
          ---in PPP , to discourage projects where land is given free for

            Those who read my earlier posting on this mattter would know that I
          had specifically stated that this "user fees" issue would be used as a
          red herring and as a method to garner anti Abide sentiment .

          But my overall point would still be ....

          -I do not think abide by itself can change the political /beuracracy/
          land mafia nexus or bring in a really new structure of governence  ,
          without pressure form many walks of life on the system.It is after all
          a "proposal" and the body itself is not the excecutor, or final
          decision making body.

          --In the abide papers , there is more than a semblance of change in
          the right direction

          --Do we citizens /CAF sit in the sidelines and take potshots at abide
          or engage constructively.

          Please let us  not join the bandwagon of career dissentors and

          vijayan   .

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