You can enable the debug function by adding:

$DB->debug = true;

Near the top of the index.php file.

Adding debug will print out all the database queries all over the
page.  You will only need to pay attention to the one that shows up
right before the query failed message.

You should look through the log files for mysql or apache.  Is this
site hosted on a server you control?  Did something change on the
server or mysql configuration?


On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 2:19 PM, Cornita Tutt-Pinchinat
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been using Citrus for my customer DB without any problems until
> yesterday.  Now when I search most fields I get a query failed
> message.  For example if I search Name/Company I get data but If I
> search Account Number I get the message query failed.  The last day I
> used it successfully was 5/5/10. I have not made any changes since
> then.  I am able to query some fields without any problems.   I am
> unable to add any new customers.  Any ideas?  If you need any
> additional info let me know and I will get it to you.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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