On Saturday, December 13, 2008 at 22:13, w...@gnu.org wrote:

>> It's well known that your CJK package has the \CJKchar macro with
>> which the CJK characters , e.g. for EM DASH ―, can be input by the
>> inner code like this:
>> \CJKchar{"0A1}{"0AA} \CJKchar[UTF8]{"020}{"014} 
>> Based on this understand, I just want to know is there possible by
>> using inner code to input the corresponding characters directly
>> without using CJK package?

> What do you mean with `inner code'?  It's always possible to address a
> CJK subfont directly, e.g.

>   \font\foo bsmiu20
>   \foo\char "014

Let me take EM DASH ( U+ 2014 ) as  a example:  I just want to use the
someting like 2014 without \CJKchar to input this character in the
font song which has has inner name as gbksong, i.e., I've a
corresponding c19song.fd file for this font like this:


\DeclareFontFamily{C19}{song}{\hyphenchar \fon...@ne}

\DeclareFontShape{C19}{song}{m}{n}{<-> CJK * gbksong}{}
\DeclareFontShape{C19}{song}{bx}{n}{<-> CJKb * gbkhei}{}
\DeclareFontShape{C19}{song}{m}{it}{<-> CJK * gbkkai}{}
\DeclareFontShape{C19}{song}{bx}{it}{<-> CJKb * gbkhei}{}
\DeclareFontShape{C19}{song}{m}{sl}{<-> CJK * gbkkai}{}
\DeclareFontShape{C19}{song}{bx}{sl}{<-> CJKb * gbkkai}{}


Then I use the the following one according to your above example:

  \font\song gbksong
  \song\char "2014

But, I'll meet the error like this:

Running makemf...
makemf: The gbksong source file could not be found.
Running hbf2gf...

hbf2gf (CJK ver. 4.8.0)

Couldn't find `gbkso.cfg'
maketfm: No creation rule for font gbksong.
! Font \song=gbksong not loadable: Metric (TFM) file not found.
<to be read again>
l.23   \song
            \char "2014

Hongsheng Zhao <zhaohs...@yahoo.com.cn> 
Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry
Chinese Academy of Sciences 
GnuPG DSA: 0xD108493

Cjk maillist  -  Cjk@ffii.org

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