Hello Li-Feng!

I'm Ccing the cjk mailing list so that my work might help others
also.  And please write to this list for further communication!

> Thank you for your code for CJK.  Now, I found a problem about CJK
> in Chinese when my daughter come to primary school to learn Chinese.
> I found that the primary school Chinese techer lack a way to
> typesetting Chinese characters and pinyin by China primary school
> habit.
> I attached one gif file to give description about how to typesetting
> Chinese character & PinYin synchronnic.
> The blue color lines and dot lines are used to give primary students
> information about the relation between character and pinyin and tone
> system.
> I want to try to write package file to typesetting the format used
> by Chinese primary school teachers. but I found I have not ability
> now. so I hope you can spend some time to write it for Chinese
> primary students.
> The picture which I give you, it is called "Tian" character format
> (田字格) . I hope I can use "tian" as command when I use LaTeX to
> typesetting it.

Using tikz, it's rather easy to do what you want.  The attached
example shows how to set up such a command which I've calld \tianbox.
You should adapt the code to your needs, checking the tikz manual for

% tianbox.sty
% This file provides a single command, \tianbox, which puts a CJK glyph
% together with its transcription into a box as needed by some primary
% schoolbooks in China.




% Parameters to control the appearance of the box.

\tikzset{every picture/.style={scale=0.5,
                         line width=2pt}}
                         line width=0.5pt}}

% #1   A CJK character, printed in large size.
% #2   Its transcription, printed above

    % to get regular dot patterns (in case dotted lines are selected),
    % we always start the lines from the center
    \draw[tianaux] (0,0) -- (3,3);
    \draw[tianaux] (0,0) -- (3,-3);
    \draw[tianaux] (0,0) -- (3,0);
    \draw[tianaux] (0,0) -- (0,3);
    \draw[tianaux] (0,0) -- (-3,-3);
    \draw[tianaux] (0,0) -- (-3,3);
    \draw[tianaux] (0,0) -- (-3,0);
    \draw[tianaux] (0,0) -- (0,-3);

    \draw[tianaux] (-3,4) -- (3,4);
    \draw[tianaux] (-3,5) -- (3,5);

    \draw[tianbox] (-3,-3) rectangle (3,6);
    \draw[tianbox] (-3,3) -- (3,3);

    \draw[CJK] (0,0) node {#1};
    \draw[transcription] (0,4) node[anchor=base] {#2};



% The following line shows how to override the default values.
                         line width=2pt}}






Attachment: tiantest.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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