Hi all,

I've finally bitten the bullet and released my clamav GUI for Mac OS X.

It's called clamXav, and you can download it from http://www.markallan.co.uk/clamXav_v0.8b.zip or from the program info page at http://www.markallan.co.uk/clamXav (no trailing slash please, it messes up my redirection to the real page!)

As I say when you run the application, having a standard build of clamav installed is not sufficient to run my GUI, purely because of the changes I made to the source code (see previous emails titled OS X resource forks). With clamXav, I've distributed a pre-built binary which includes my modifications but I've also included instructions for users telling them where to download the source from clamav.net and how to patch it themselves with my mods if they'd prefer.

From what I understand, this is in-keeping with the GPL. If it's not, please let me know so that I can change things. However, if I'm not allowed to do it this way, then I'll need some time to apply my patches to the main clamav source tree and I don't know how the changes will affect others. Obviously, having my patches officially in the main source code would be preferable, but I don't know how to go about this.

Currently, it's only a front end to clamscan and freshclam, but I may extend this to the other programs in the clamav suite in due course if there are enough requests....I'll have to figure out what the other parts do first though!! ;-)

Ideally, I'd like to be able to say "watch this folder and scan any new items". Does that function exist yet or do I have to fiddle around with AppleScript and FolderActions?

Anyway, I'd appreciate it if any OS X users on this list would download clamXav and try it please. Let me know what you think.


PS. It's here: http://www.markallan.co.uk/clamXav_v0.8b.zip

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