Serge Vakulenko wrote:

> There is a big difference though.
> With my patch, the client host name and IP address are always known.
> No matter what variables to pass to clamav-milter are configured in

Some time ago I ask about add third type variable in template:
clamav-milter specific... :-) Patch in attach make avaliable 
using template
The message $i$ sent from <${mail_addr}$> to
contained a virus and has not been delivered.
    %v found.

Scanning engine:

----- The original (infected) message headers were:

Some variables in this patch can be removed (&v& and &header&), but 
&localreceived& RFC-style addons for header... I think what this 
patch will be include in Alt Linux Sisyphus in next update of 
ClamAV package.

--- clamav-milter/clamav-milter.c.orig	2004-09-18 01:06:32 +0500
+++ clamav-milter/clamav-milter.c	2004-09-18 13:40:33 +0500
@@ -3517,6 +3517,64 @@
 				ptr = end;
+			case '&': /* clamav-milter variables */ {
+				char *end = strchr(++ptr, '&');
+				if(end == NULL) {
+					syslog(LOG_ERR,
+						_("%s: Unterminated clamav-milter variable \"%s\"\n"),
+						filename, ptr);
+					continue;
+				}
+				*end = '\0';
+				/* begin variables definitions */
+				// Virus name, replacement for %v, may be not need
+				if ( strcmp(ptr, "v") == 0 ) { 
+				    fputs(virusname, sendmail);
+				} // end of v
+				// Header, , replacement for %h, may be not need
+				else if ( strcmp(ptr, "header") == 0) {
+				    struct privdata *privdata = (struct privdata *)smfi_getpriv(ctx);
+				    header_list_print(privdata->headers, sendmail);
+				} // end of header
+				// ClamAV/clamav-milter version
+				else if ( strcmp(ptr, "full_version") == 0) {
+				    fputs(clamav_version, sendmail);
+				} // end of clamav_version
+				// Local Received aadons for header
+				else if ( strcmp(ptr, "localreceived") == 0) {
+				    char *s_relay, *helo;
+				    char timestring[128];
+				    time_t systime;
+				    s_relay = smfi_getsymval(ctx, "{_}");
+				    if (!s_relay) s_relay = "";
+				    helo = smfi_getsymval(ctx, "s");
+				    if (!helo) {
+					helo = "NOHELO";
+					    if(use_syslog)
+						syslog(LOG_WARNING, _("Variable \"s\" isn't defined in Milter.macros.eom\n"));
+				    }
+				    systime = time(NULL);
+				    strftime(timestring, sizeof(timestring) -1, "%a, %d %b %Y %T %z (%Z)",
+						localtime(&systime));
+				    fprintf(sendmail, "Received: from %s (%s)", helo, s_relay);
+				    fprintf(sendmail, "\n\tby %s (clamav-milter %s) with id %s;",
+					smfi_getsymval(ctx, "j"), CM_VERSION, smfi_getsymval(ctx, "i"));
+				    fprintf(sendmail, "\n\t%s", timestring);
+				} // localreceived
+				else {
+				    fprintf(sendmail, "[unknown clamav-milter's variable:  %s]", ptr);
+					if(use_syslog)
+						syslog(LOG_ERR, _("%s: Unknown clamav-milter's variable \"%s\"\n"),
+							filename, ptr);
+				} // end variables definitions
+				ptr = end;
+			} break;
 			case '\\':
 				if(*++ptr == '\0') {

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