Tomasz Papszun wanted us to know:

>> the IP of, is blacklisted by Spamhaus:
>> causing interruptions in mail from/to
>I was under the impression that Spamhaus listing is used only for
>checking SMTP clients' IP addresses (I use it myself), not for
>blocking DNS requests/replies also. Am I wrong?

It's collateral damage.  A spammer owns an IP or an IP block in the same
/23 as you.  Spamhaus attempts to hurt the ISP by having other innocent
customers complain to them so much (and potentially switch away from
them, aka voting with their wallet) that the ISP boots the spammer.
Apparently, linuxlabs has been hosting a known spammer, namely Jeffery
Peters.  It is not clear if this was intentional or not.  You have a
couple of options:
1) Get that ISP to boot Jeffery Peters and all sites created by him.
2) Get a different ISP.
3) Temporarily move your mail to a different machine (Spamhaus listings
don't affect dns operation, so dns will continue to work properly).

>I'm not saying that the situation isn't worth cleaning, just asking for

Regards...              Todd
There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo.  Please use in that order. --Ed Howdershelt
Linux kernel 2.6.11-6mdksmp   3 users,  load average: 0.15, 0.10, 0.25

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