Per Jessen wrote:

> Thanks for the report Stef.
> /Per Jessen, Zürich, 26C

Hello Per,

now everything works fine, but every time freshclam determines that a newer
version is available, a email is send to the administrator.
But that's everytime freshclam searches for an update. 
Is it possible to run the OnOutdatedExecute script with a parameter, the
version found on the Internet?

I could do it by getting the version outof the log file by the command:

newversion=$(tac /var/lib/clamav/log/freshclam.log | \ 
        grep -m 1 "Recommended version:" | sed "s/.* Recommended version://");

which I have in my script. Dependening the value of newversion compared to
older values a mail will be sent or not. I'm just playing with it. I can
imagine that after a number of times this version is available a new mail
is sent. 



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