On Sun, 2005-10-30 at 14:46 +0000, Stephen Gran wrote:

> Well, I guess I can understand that.  Let me explain my misgivings.
> Every time you reimplement something internally, it is prone to all the
> bugs that the original has, with less scrutiny and a smaller testing base.
> It seems like the kind of solution that lends itself to bitrot fairly
> easily, so without a pressing reason, I tend to prefer using an already
> available function in a well tested library.

Your logic is screwy. I didn't even look at the GMP implementation, I
didn't even know it had one. So it isn't a "reimplementation" of that,
so isn't prone to "all the bugs the original has".

I actually based it on the FD_SET implementation, which is much older
than the GMP one, and has about 30 years of testing. So by your metrics,
is better than the one you are recommending.

Now, I think that's enough time wasted on a pointless discussion.


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