
clamscan 0.94 is the first version after 0.9 where the
"--no-phishing-restrictedscan" option is no more mentioned in the
output of 'clamscan -h'. However, that option has in fact been removed
earlier - at least in the 0.93.x versions that option just did nothing
when specified.

So now, there are only the options "--phishing-ssl" and
"--phishing-cloak" remaining if someone wants a higher detection rate
of *possible* phishings. However, using them did not make any
difference in my tests as without them. Edwin's mbox test file from
will always be detected as Phishing.Heuristics.Email.SpoofedDomain, no
matter which options are set or not.

Could someone please give any sample that demonstrates the
--phishing-* options?


Please submit your patches to our Bugzilla: http://bugs.clamav.net

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